Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Viva Keith Olbermann

Growing number of folks out there are calling even more loudly for Keith Obermann to be taken off MSNBC after his repugnant rant Monday night about Massachusetts Senate candidate Scott Brown.

Please stop this silliness.

I'm not defending Olbermann by any stretch. And this isn't even about the First Amendment.

But we spent eight years listening to liberals and the media (redundant, yes I know) claim that it was George W. Bush and conservatives who were "devisive" and at fault for this country being divided more than at any other point.

Yes, the same people who every day for eight years spewed the most vile filth about Bush and anyone who supported him.

And Olbermann? Yes, he's about as despicable as they come. But I want him on the air, every night at the same time. I even want more people to watch ... just enough to keep him relevent enough to the folks who put him there.

That way, he can serve as a constant reminder, and as a lesson to those on the fence, of just how venomous and detached from reality liberals really are.

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