Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Four-dollar gas

Seven months ago, when gasoline rocketed up past $4 per gallon, we were treated to vitriol from Liberals and the mainstream media (yes, redundant, I know) about the "Greedy Oil Companies" and how much the price of oil was adversely affecting our everyday lives.

Very shortly, we'll be headed back in that direction. And as a precursor, we're now seeing and hearing how $1.50 gas is adversely affecting the economy.

You see, the Libs are suggesting, we really need $4 per gallon gas. It's for the Good Of The Country! As vice president-elect Joe Biden would say, "it's time to chip in ... time to do your part ... time to be patriotic."

This time, however, it won't be the price of oil that will send those gas pump wheels spinning up past $50 each time you fill your tank.

This time, and every time going forward, it will be the federal tax you pay for each gallon.

Here's how it's going to happen:

The Big Three automakers, as most know, have been struggling ... largely because their union workers need wages and benefits at a scale far beyond what most Americans manage to live on. As more and more of us put our feet down last month and demanded NO BAILOUT, the union capitulated and said it, along with the companies, would do its part to help the failing businesses.

Of course, faster than Hamas can break a cease-fire agreement and revert to its terrorist ways, the union reversed itself and said it would make NO concessions the minute the bailout checks were written.

So the quandary in Detroit continues. The automakers now say (surprise, surprise!) those however many billions simply will not help enough. It seems that since we will never make a substantive move toward energy independence under Liberal rule, The Big Three doesn't know what kind of cars to make.

Voila! The government to the rescue!

The Libs are telling the automakers to move forward with their line of little green cars. In exchange for doing so, Washington will open the financial spigots. Of course, seeing how we're already $85 kajillion in debt from all this bailout nonsense (and much more to come), the government has to find a source for all those billions of dollars that will be flowing to Ford, GM and Chrysler.

Are you catching on here?

Yes, dear taxpayer, "it's time for you to do your part ... time to chip in ... time to be patriotic."

The idea, hatched in Liberal back rooms of Congress and without an iota of debate, is fixing the price of gas. Right now, the idea is $3.50. No matter the price of oil, the price of gas will be $3.50. That means if prices remain as they are now, $1.50, that extra $2 will go to Detroit via Washington.

Of course, as the price of oil rises again, the flow of money to Detroit will weaken, and it shouldn't be long after that that Washington decides $3.50 just isn't cutting it.

But wait! The Libs will sell this turd by introducing all kinds of savings to Jack and Jill American. Expect the promise of tax credits if you buy one of these little green cars.

"Yes! If you buy one of these little green cars, your benevolent government will give you a $2,500 tax credit!"


I can't wait to go spend $8,000 or so more for a car that runs on bird pee (and performs LIKE it runs on bird pee) and, at the end of the year, write off $2,500 that will result in my taxes being lowered $500 or so.

Of course, my taxes will already be higher, anyway. Oh yes. In case you missed it, those tax DECREASES that were pledged several months ago?

Well, the economy ... tough times ... "trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see," as The Messiah recently asserted ... you know. Can't really go forward with that now, can we?

Welcome to CHANGE, America.

(Imported from Jan. 17, 2009)

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