Tuesday, July 7, 2009

They just don't get it

Remember last summer, when gas hit $4 a gallon, and Barack Obama actually had the gaul to suggest we could save all the extra money we were paying for gas by getting tune-ups and inflating our tires?

Now, his Treasury secretary, Timothy "Tax Cheat" Geithner, steps in it while talking about Obama's Cap & Trade plan.

From the AP story today on the new law:

But the Treasury secretary acknowledged that consumers could face higher electric bills because Obama would impose fees on greenhouse gas producers, including power plants that burn fossil fuels, by auctioning off carbon pollution permits. The goal is to reduce the emissions blamed for global warming while raising a projected $646 billion over 10 years.

"Now, if people don't change how they use energy, then they will face higher costs for energy," Geithner said.

Change how we use energy? What? Like stop using electricity?

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