Barack Obama, in his acceptance speech Thursday: "I will cut taxes for 95 percent of all working families. Because in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class."
Two thoughts on this paper-thin statement:
Bill Clinton, just before his election in 1992: "My pledge to every hard-working, middle-class American is that I will not raise your taxes."
I made essentially the same amount of money in 1992 and 1993: less than $40,000. By any definition, I was middle class.
On my 1992 tax return, under the tax structure of Ronald Reagan and then George H.W. Bush, I received about a $900 refund. On my '93 return, under a new tax structure signed into law during Clinton's FIRST 100 DAYS, I owed $1,100.
I did short forms in those days. No deductions, no capital gains, no nothing on either one. I worked for the same company, had the same percentage of withholding taken out of every paycheck.
This is what Democrats do. They lie. They lie before the fact and after the fact. Especially when it comes to taxes.
And that leads to my second thought ...
Obama's mouth also is making promises to every special interest, virtually every entitlement program and welfare-based sector in this country AND ABROAD to drastically increase federal funding. Where does that money come from? YOU! ME! ALL OF US! Our taxes.
The hole we've already dug with the drunk sailor spending (yes, by Republicans AND Democrats) is so deep, none of us will see a penny of social security. Medicare is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Two generations from now, if there is an America left, those people ... our grandchildren ... will still be paying JUST WHAT WE OWE NOW.
And Obama is going to increase the amount of federal outlays by 300 percent or more? Because that's what he's promising.
Let's start with the $850 billion promise to the United Nations for Africa, an increase of more than 100fold. That's almost too ridiculous to comprehend, first and foremost that we'd give a proven corrupt body like the U.N. even ONE BILLION. But how's that $10 trillion outlay we've poured into that continent the last 20 years been working out? I'd suggest all we've accomplished has been to create one giant welfare state run by ultra-corrupt dictators.
But don't stop there. Oh no! Let's throw in the $50 billion economic stimulus package he's promising. And don't forget the $150 billion alternative energy package. And the suffocating cost of national health care, which the lowest estimates (as if the government has ever spent a "least" amount of money on anything) say will merely double what we've already talked about.
You can tack on another $500 billion or so, over time, when Obama and his Lib Congress bow to the world and put us on the Kyoto Protocol dole. Gotta pay for that "carbon footprint"! (China, India and the rest of the Eastern World still get a pass, though, which is why George Bush has remained steadfast in his position of HELL NO!)
But I digress. Where do you think these several trillion dollars are going to come from? Exxon? Mobil? Big Business, which the Libs so loathe?
Oh yeah, they'll tax the shit out of Corporate America. Well, the already burdensome confiscatory taxes and bureaucratic B.S. is and has been sending domestic business overseas and keeping a lot of foreign business away as it is. (And YES, that is a MAJOR reason why companies relocate overseas, no matter what the lying Democrats and Lib media say).
So let's burden them even more, shall we? Where exactly does that get us? Let's give businesses an even bigger reason to leave the country. And while we're at it, let's double capital gains taxes and even invent new ones to stifle the very people who invest and build and create jobs and, by doing so, make a lot more money on which they already pay the second-highest tax rate IN THE WORLD.
But we'll all feel better if THOSE DAMN RICH PEOPLE get screwed even more, won't we?
Thing is, while they're screwing Corporate America even more ... and by doing so, twisting our economy into even tighter knots (see the Jimmy Carter years) and sending unemployment skyrocketing ... they'll also screw us all individually, too. Directly and indirectly.
See what skyrocketing gas prices have done to your weekly budget? That's inflation, my friends. Happens when the price of doing business, whether it's fuel cost or higher labor cost through artificially increased minimum wages or anything else, suddenly takes a big jump upward.
That's the indirect effect. The direct effect is that your taxes go up. Your federal income tax rate jumps. The "marriage penalty tax" Bush did away with? That's coming back. The increased standard deduction, again courtesy of the Bush cuts, that applied to EVERYONE WHO FILED A TAX RETURN? That's gone, too.
The Libs have already promised that and more. And that was before Obama's mouth started writing checks that the federal government has no possible way of covering.
And now he says he promises to CUT taxes for 95 percent of Americans?
And people are actually buying that?
I need to get into the bridge-sellin' business. Fast.
(Imported from Aug. 28, 2008)
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