Screw John McCain.
That's right. And screw anybody else who tears down conservatism and then spews this contemptible "unite the party" swill in an attempt to win an election. Somebody spits in my face best think twice about coming around later for my support. Guess again, Johnny.
I listened to McCain's speech at CPAC today. Or as much of it that I could before I felt the need to vomit. This is a bitter old man (and yes, the media, now that Mitt Romney is out, already is running with the age factor ... something that will be played bigger than big when the general election cycle begins). A bitter old man who has taken a liking to invoking the name Ronald Reagan.
Frankly, it's worn thin already. Reagan was a principled conservative, holding the three tenets (fiscal, foreign affairs and cultural) of conservatism near and dear.
McCain has very few principles from where I sit. Anyone with eyes could see the litany of lies he used to smear Romney the last month or so. Not to mention the amount of backstabbing he's done to George Bush and conservatives in general since 1999, when he lost his bid to win a Republican nomination that he believed he was in line for and should have been handed.
And now he wants us to "unite" with him???
The man was so bitter then that he reportedly almost switched parties. Well, he should have. Because not only does he have no style, he's about 11 short of a dozen on substance, as well.
Besides Reagan, McCain likes to talk about "reaching across the aisle" to get things done. Yes, Reagan, too, reached across the aisle. To bring people to his way of thinking. Ever hear of Reagan Democrats? They were people who bought into his ideals, his principles. Not the other way around.
The man was (and still is) revered by conservatives, because he was principled. He believed firmly in his convictions and did not waver. Despite facing a Democrat Congress, he pulled this country out of the economic quagmire created by four years of Jimmy Carter. He took his conservative plan to Congress ... and "reached across the aisle" ... and said this is what we're going to do. And then he did it.
He didn't reach out and negotiate with the Russians. Many of you reading this don't have any recollection of what the 1960s and 1970s were like. The Cold War? Barely a concept, I'm sure. Reagan called Russia out. He knew that beating them was the only way. And this country undertook policies aimed at a strategy to do just that.
McCain's idea of "reaching across the aisle"?
How about joining with a Democrat in trampling all over the First Amendment with the McCain-Feingold Bill? Freedom of speech, people, is freedom of speech. It's not freedom of speech except for times when someone in Washington doesn't want it to be free. What the hell is that?
Know what McCain thinks of those of us who oppose infringements on free speech? He calls us corrupt.
Or how about reaching across and joining up with that pillar of morality Ted Kennedy on an amnesty bill? And not only would the McCain-Kennedy Bill have granted amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens, McCain and his Lib cronies attempted on three separate occasions to jam this legislation through under the cloak of darkness, with no explanation, no debate, no nothing. Two votes! That's all that stood in the way of these people getting away with it and us waking up one morning and BOOM. It's law. They even held one of their "cloture" votes in the middle of the night.
Know what McCain thinks of those of us who oppose amnesty and want illegal immigration stopped once and for all? He calls us racists.
McCain may have voted for the Bush tax cuts. But he joined the Lib parade to microphones in spewing lies about them. And now he claims to be a Reagan conservative on economic matters?
McCain wants to close Guantanamo and put a stop to aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects and bring those detainees into our prison system, where they can have access to laws and rights never before in the history of this country conferred to enemy combatants. Know what McCain thinks of those of us who disapprove of doing so? He says we're no better than the terrorists.
McCain also has "reached across" in buying into the hoax known as global warming. Know what McCain thinks of those of us who don't also kneel at the altar of Al Gore? He calls us naive.
And now McCain wants to "reach out" to conservatives. He wants to unite. He wants our support.
Well, here's one conservative who isn't biting. If this country is going to be screwed over and back for the next four years, let it be the Democrats who do it.
At least then, in 2012, they won't be able to blame it on a "Republican."
(Imported from Feb. 8, 2008)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
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