Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stop the world!

Enough already with this Alberto Gonzalez crap! For crying out loud, the media's acting like this is Watergate II ... of course, the Libs and the media (redundant, I know) have maintained a constant drumbeat since early 2000, bashing everything Republican and perking up like a part-time cocktail waitress behind on her trailer rent upon hearing that the first of six lottery numbers IS ON HER TICKET! every time they get even a hint of something that could lead to BUSH'S IMPEACHMENT (which is basically every day, twice on Fridays).

So eight U.S. attorneys lost their jobs. Boo-freakin-hoo. In the end, they work for Gonzalez, who works for President Bush. Now granted, Bush would have been better served by firing everybody left over from the previous administration the minute he took office, same as Slick Willie did back in 1992, but that wasn't his style. Who gives a rat's ass who sat in on which meetings or who was in the e-mail loop when the firings were coming down?

And Gonzalez lied to the media about a meeting he attended on the matter? Why, how dare he! Why, he shouldn't just be fired! He should be thrown off a cliff, on fire, after being sexually assaulted by a syphilitic water buffalo!

Everybody! Wake up! If you're not doing your job to your boss' liking, guess what? You're FIRRRRRRED!

And if there really was this deep, dark cover-up ... if these lawyers (God, this has to be the first time EVER that ANYONE lamented a freaking lawyer losing his job!) were onto something BIG that would embarrass conservatives or even (breathlessly here) lead to Bush's beheading on the White House lawn during an anti-war protest by lesbians, don't you think that at least ONE of the eight would have come forward and SAID SO by now?

My 4-year-old burst into tears this afternoon because several raindrops made these strange, dark spots on her dress on our way from the garage out to the car. Trust me, folks, on the scale of Do We Give A Shit? this personal family fashion tragedy deserves only a degree less of the country's attention than eight U.S. attorneys losing their jobs!

(Imported from March 26, 2007)

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