Monday, July 6, 2009

Vintage whine in New Orleans

As if we weren't subjected to enough of New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin's lunacy one year ago, the recently re-elected ('splain that!) leader of the hurricane-ravaged city is bitching up a storm that may rival Katrina. Seems the federal government isn't doing enough and should "get off their asses."

This from a man who only got off his last summer to save himself. But I digress.

Let's see here. The feds aren't doing enough? Latest figures show we've spent $62 billion in actual dollars toward what ALL estimates predict will be in excess of $200 billion. (Some say we'll easily top the $300 billion or so we've spent in FOUR years in Afghanistan fighting a war and rebuilding a COUNTRY). Those figures don't take into account, either, the untold millions/billions the private sector has given to various relief agencies, et al.

Perhaps some of that money didn't actually reach New Orleans. After all, there have been reports of rampant fraud (NO! Not in a Utopian Democratic-controlled city!). Perhaps someone should pop on by Rep. William Jefferson's house and check in his freezer. A billion or so may have "inadvertently" wound up in there.

If anyone needs to get off their asses, it's the people of New Orleans, who need to wake up after all these years and realize that their liberal promiseland is more akin to a piss bucket and put in place some real leaders who will get the city and its people on the road to actual recovery ... from a terrible storm AND the terrible lie they've been living for decades.

(Imported from Aug. 22, 2006)

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