Chalk up another hit to the country's financial health courtesy of the mind-numbing liberals. The Social Security surplus, expected by most estimates to only last until 2017, has suddenly disappeared (STORY HERE) thanks to Wall Street's plunge.
While blame for the current state of the stock market can certainly be debated (although what continues to happen to it in the coming months and years unequivocally rests at Barack Obama's, Nancy Pelosi's and Harry Reid's feet), the fact that so many of us have been forced to continue to rely on Social Security for a big part of our future retirement income is 100 percent the Democrats' doing.
Just as George Bush sounded warning sirens about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during his first term, only to be rebuffed by Democrats who lied to protect their own, he also made a major bid to reform our dependence on a Social Security system that was headed for the cliff's edge.
He and others saw the coming flood of Boomers retiring and the drain that would put on the system ... hence the estimates that Social Security would go belly-up before many of us reach retirement.
But "noooooooooo" cried the Democrats. They used scare tactics on retirees, telling them that Bush was stealing their money, when his measures specifically excluded them and applied ONLY to younger people. They blocked any kind of legislation from ever having a chance.
Well, now Social Security will only survive month to month. And when that flood of Boomers hits the magic age?
Hope they have a lot of money stuffed in their mattresses.
And a little further down the line are many of us, who nevertheless will have to continue paying into a system that we have NO hope of ever drawing a dime from.
Our money. Flushed away. Our future. Tenuous at best.
Seems to be a pattern with liberals nowadays, doesn't it?
(Imported from April 1, 2009)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
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