Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Shutting up the opposition, Obama-style

Dunno if anyone read the stories today, but my newspaper was one of three (along with the New York Post and the Washington Times) booted off Obama's campaign plane effective today. The excuse was that their seating was cut back because Michelle and her entourage was joining the campaign for the last few days. I've seen reports, too, that writers from Ebony and Jet are being added to do documentary-type stuff.

No matter. These are three major daily newspapers from three of the nation's largest cities. One other thing they have in common is that they officially endorsed John McCain in the last week.

This on the heels of Orlando TV reporter Barbara West's and her station's access to the Obama campaign being cut off completely after she asked "tough questions" of Joe Biden last week. Same thing happened to a Philadelphia TV station after more "tough questions" for Biden.

Obama's thugs, we know, have illegally accessed with government computers everything about Joe The Plummer, trying to find dirt. We saw what they did in Alaska, armed with fistfulls of cash for anyone with a story to tell (true or not) about Sarah Palin. They're also now going after West's husband, a Republican who once did consulting work for the GOP.

We also know that Obama and his socialist coherts (Pelosi, Reid, et al) plan immediately to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine to stifle opposing viewpoints. It, of course, will apply only to talk radio. Not CNN. Not the New York Times. Not the networks. Why? Because that's the only area that conservatives have an honest voice, besides Fox News.

After that, their target will be the Internet.

I guess there's a ray of light still shining. The socialist thugs who are about to run our government, our lives, haven't to anyone's knowledge begun plans to clear prison space for "dissenters."

Not yet anyway.

(Imported from Oct. 31, 2008)

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